Frank Costa

Nick Green was a member of Australia’s most successful rowing combination, the Oarsome Foursome, which won gold medals at two world championships and the 1992 and 1996 Olympic Games. As recognition of his contribution to the sport, he was invited to carry the International Olympic Flag at the opening ceremony of the 2000 Sydney Olympics. More recently, he succeeded John Coates as chef de mission to the Australian Olympic team. A father to three daughters, Green lives in Melbourne with his wife, Taimi.

01Who is your hero/heroine – sporting or otherwise?

In my younger days and as a hack surfer, Mark Richards and Cheyne Horan were my idols growing up. Now the Olympic Legends, Marjorie Jackson and John Landy, are my role models. They epitomise the values that I admire.

02What was your greatest act of courage? Pulling a pitch-fork out of my brother’s foot when I was 12 years old. I accidentally stabbed him playing a game in the veggie patch at home. Actually, his act of courage was greater than mine – maybe I should have left it in his foot so he wouldn’t get me!

03What is the most memorable sporting event you have witnessed? I just watched Roger Federer at his best winning the Australian Open in Melbourne. What a champion. The Tour de France was an amazing spectacle – I would highly recommend going if you can.

04Which sporting event in history would you most like to have attended? I’d love to attend a soccer World Cup; maybe I’ll wait until Australia hosts it in 2018 or 2022.

05What keeps you awake at night?

I live with four girls, (my wife Taimi and my three beautiful girls, Isabella, Polly and Lucy)….I think that explains it all. 06Which talent would you most like to have?

To multi task.

07What bores you?

Traffic – I hate (with a passion) sitting in traffic.

08On which occasions do you lie?

Does the tooth fairy count?

09What trait do you most deplore in others?

Not having a go. And being late.

10Who embodies your idea of a ‘good sport’?

Marjorie Jackson and John Landy. In my eyes, they are true legends.

11Who doesn’t – and why?

People who are all talk and no action.

12What is your greatest extravagance?

Having brown feet in the middle of winter.

13What words or phrases do you most overuse?

At the end of the day ….

14What are you reading at the moment?

I just finished a couple of Tim Winton books over Christmas – the latest was Dirt Music. I’ve just starting Billy Thorpe’s ‘Time on Earth’.

15What is the best sports book written, or film made?

I don’t read a lot of sport books, although I have read Lance Armstrong’s books and thoroughly enjoyed them. 16Which figure in history would you most like to have been?

I would have loved to have been a musician in the 70’s (hence the book on Billy Thorpe).

17What is the greatest sports venue in the world?

The MCG. 18Which living person/people do you most admire?

My kids, what a life they lead. 19Who is Australia’s greatest sportsman/woman?

A very difficult choice. I do admire athletes who have competed at multiple Olympic Games – James Tomkins, Russell Mark, Dawn Fraser, Andrew Hoy are just a few – although I do have a soft spot for Libby Trickett.

What sport don’t you ‘get’? Rowing – I tried for 20 years and I still don’t get it.



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